Home for Thanksgiving! Is there really anything better than that? (other than home for Christmas I suppose but, as an audio engineer that's forfeit anyway lol) We all had so much fun this year and it snowed!... I even got to have a snowball fight with my 10 y/o sister my last day! I know it sounds funny but I think this was the first year we all sat around the table after dinner and said what we were thankful for. Well I think all those years of not having that caused us all to save up a bunch of blubbering emotion... My family is all really close so the waterworks opened up and I think it was the greatest miserable time we've ever all spent together lol
Oh and keep a look out for the next post coming soon... My little brother Stephen and his beautiful fiancee Heather!

Ok I'm just doing all the names once! :)
LtoR- Me, Heather, Steve, Aunt Gay, Uncle Joe, Grandma, Poppy (w/ Max the wonderdog) Dad, Katie, Mom, Michelle, Laura, Lou and Kim and their two boys Justin and Brandan in front.